Law firm on staying downtown: ‘Dayton has a bright future’

While it looked inside and outside of downtown Dayton when considering its new office, civic reasons are keeping Dinsmore & Shohl LLP in the central business district, its managing partner says.

“Of course there was a business element in it too, that downtown is centrally located,” said Fred Caspar, who leads the Dayton operations of the Cincinnati-based law firm. “But we consider ourselves a Dayton-to-Dayton office. And a city needs a vibrant core.”

Caspar has worked downtown since 1984, and he said when it came time to consider what to do with Dinsmore’s 90-employee Dayton operation, downtown won out. The law firm is consolidating its two downtown offices into one in the Fifth Third Center building with a 10-year lease for 34,000 square feet of space there.